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Lentigo Treatment

Lentigo is a skin condition that is typically identifiable by the presence of small dark spots or marks that appear anywhere on the face and body. These spots have a raised appearance with a clear, defined edge and are generally around 5mm in diameter.

There are numerous types of lentigines – the most common being the solar lentigo or ‘age spot’, which is typically caused by sun damage and most commonly seen in middle aged and elderly people. However, you may also find the lentigo simplex (cause unknown), the ink spot lentigo which generally comes after a period of sunburn, the PUVA lentigo, and many more. The majority of lentigines are benign, however many choose to seek lentigo treatment to reduce the visible appearance of the spots. Skiin is proud to offer solar lentigo treatment options that require no downtime; continue reading to learn more.


Skiin recommends the use of Intense Pulse Light (known as IPL) as the preferred method of sun pigmentation removal. Also referred to as photorejuvenation or ‘fotofacial’, IPL is a non-invasive treatment that takes around 30 minute in office with little preparation or downtime. You can expect to see a result after 7 to 10 days, and most patients have a course of 2 to 4 treatments once annually.

Why Choose Skiin for Lentigo Treatment?

Our skilled and dedicated staff of nurses, doctors, aesthetic physicians and cosmetic clinicians are committed to providing the highest level of quality patient care and delivering sun pigmentation removal services of the highest standard.

To make an appointment, give us a call on 1300 754 467 or contact us online and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Sun Pigmentation Removal

* Disclaimer : The content of the SKIIN Clinic web site, such as text, graphics, images, and information obtained from third parties, are for informational purposes only. Results from series of treatments performed may vary from a person to another. It is recommended to consult our qualified doctors, nurses or skin therapist prior to performing a treatment.

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