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Nasolabial Folds

Best Dermal Filler for Nasolabial Folds

Perhaps better known as laugh lines or smile lines, the nasolabial folds on a person’s face are typically found on either side of the nose and run down to the corners of the mouth. While they’re certainly signs of a person who loves life and laughing, for some people the lines are an unwanted sign of ageing. Nasolabial folds are typically caused by the repeated use of muscles in the face required for particular facial actions and expressions, such as laughing and smiling. If you’d like to reduce the appearance of your laugh lines and you’re looking around for the best dermal filler for nasolabial folds, make an appointment with Skiin today.

How Dermal Fillers for Nasolabial Folds Work

When you make an appointment with Skiin, one of our qualified medical professional staff will treat you with dermal filler for nasolabial folds into the laugh lines between the nose and the corners of the mouth. The fillers infuse the skin with added volume, effectively pushing out the lines and helping to provide a naturally smoother, more refreshed appearance.

Over time, usually somewhere between a few weeks and a couple of months, the filler will dissolve and reabsorb into the body. The process is non-surgical and non-invasive, making it easier than ever to get unwanted laugh lines treated.

At Skiin, we endeavour to provide the best dermal filler for nasolabial folds. If you’d like more information about the procedure or want to make an appointment, contact us online or call us on 1300 754 467.

* Disclaimer : The content of the SKIIN Clinic web site, such as text, graphics, images, and information obtained from third parties, are for informational purposes only. Results from series of treatments performed may vary from a person to another. It is recommended to consult our qualified doctors, nurses or skin therapist prior to performing a treatment.

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